Dr. H. Hayashi, a Cardiovascular Surgeon from Japan, has developed a hydrogen producing mineral stick, more commonly referred to as the Hydrogen Rich Water Stick. The Hydrogen Rich Water Sticks are backed by 25 years of clinical research and a patented delivery system. The Hydrogen Rich Water Sticks go far beyond the health benefits of Ionized Water for people who demand the very best health promoting water they can drink.
Reported health, beauty & vitality benefits
- Detoxifies your entire body
- Builds younger looking skin
- Helps heal ulcers and sores
- Provides stronger & thicker hair
- Aids in reducing blood pressure
- Slows free radical body damage
- Aids in lowering cholesterol levels
- Helps the body flush heavy metals
- Aids in absorption of supplements
- Improvement of allergies & asthma
- Aids in increasing blood circulation
- Aids in lowering saturated fat levels
- Stabilizes health & supports healing
- Improvement of peripheral circulation
- Aids in reducing cellulite and wrinkles
- Improves memory in aged individuals
- Hydrates you six times more than ordinary water
- Supports proper pH by reducing acidic conditions
- Improvement of chronic constipation & diarrhea
- Improvement of blood glucose & hba1c levels in diabetes mellitus
Easy to use - Simply rinse the Hydrogen Water Stick under the facet for a minute or two. Then insert the Hydrogen Rich Water Stick into your water bottle and close the water bottle's lid. In 15 minutes, you will be able to enjoy these added benefits of Hydrogen Rich Water for your health, beauty and vitality. Once the sticks become saturated, they will sink to the bottom of your water bottle.
Hydrogen Water Stick Specifications
The values below will vary based on your water source and processing time allowed.- Dissolved hydrogen: 0.4 to 1.5 ppm
- Oxidation reduction potential: -50mV to -250mV
- pH: approx. 7.5 to 9.0
- Materials: Magnesium (99.9% pure) with natural stone within an ultra-fine porous PP resin.
- Durability: 6 months with proper use and care
- Usable with tap or filtered water (recommend filter)
"I originally purchased the Hydrogen water Stick to help with my Diabetes, which in one week is already showing great results. My wake-up is 24 points less, I can't wait to tell my doctor. In addition to this, I wake up clear headed, no more foggy feeling which I have been living with for years. Oh, I almost forget the biggest surprise, I lost 5 pounds in one week. People are already seeing a difference in me. Thank you so very, very much."
W, Spokane, WA
"Surprised to see me reordering again, so quickly? It's a funny story. You see, I let my wife try the hydrogen rich water stick for one day... just one day - and she took my stick to work and won't give it back. She says, that she noticed a difference in her bowel movements and increased energy from just one day's use. I have nothing to write about me yet, I was only able to get one drink from the bottle. I will write more later."
W, Spokane, WA
"I have had some wonderful things happen since I started using the "Hydrogen-rich Water Stick." I started using the ‘H-stick' on Monday November 10, 2008. On Tuesday November 11/11/08 I prepared a bottle with ‘H-stick' submerged in some clean water to the gym and had it with me for one of my intense training sessions. Well I have to say I am very intone with my training, so much so that I time my rest times between sets and maintain a steady pace throughout a 30 to 40 in routine. I had done this same routine the week before, however on the day I used the ‘H-stick' I was totally energized. I had enhanced recovery between sets and the usual post workout fatigue was noticeably improved. I know how my body responds to this particular training routine and have to say the ‘H-stick" was the difference. The next day I woke up fully recovered and full of energy. I can't wait until I can do my "Cellular Hydration" presentations again as I did years ago, and include the incredible Hydrogen-rich Water Stick information my patients, clients and the people of Asheville. Thanks' to meeting both you and Marianne; I have reconnected to the power of Hydrogen. This product "putsthe ‘H' back in H2o! Peace, Love and Happiness."
Brian L. Schwager, Owner Holistic Personal Training Services Director of Corrective Exercise at Advanced ChiropracticCenter Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiologist Practitioner Level 1 Certified Functional Movement Screen Specialist Certified Master Reboundologist Corrective & Functional Exercise Instructor
"I have been using the Hydrogen-Stick in my camelback during my cycling training sessions for 26 days now. Wow, what a great product! The results are amazing. I have been able to trim my 3 mile sprint times by an average of 30 to 35 seconds while maintaining the same heart rate. My 20 mile times have improved by MINUTES!!!! Previously I have used a variety of gues and supplements; however, all have benefits and negatives on my performance. With the Hydrogen -Stick, I have been able to achieve a more sustainable power curve with no drop off effect. Our race team has now begun using Dr Hayashi's product during our racing series. I will keep you posted as we have more results. Thanks for your amazing product. "
Chuck Woods AMBCS/USAC racer
Blood Pressure
" I went to the doctor a few months ago and my blood pressure was 120/70. I don’t even remember the last time it was that low. The only change I had made in my lifestyle was the water stick and getting more exercise working in the yard.
CN, Salt Lake City
Hi ya...Ok here's my testimony: I have severe high blood pressure where, even though I'm on 60 mg of Lisinopril once a day, my bp is anywhere from 170 - 190/90-95. I 've been faithfully drinking at least 90 ounces of hydrogenated water a day for about a month. I had gone to a doctor's appt (not my PCP) where routinely, my bp is taken. I've gotten accustomed to the remark, "It's kinda high". This time though, when the assistant took my bp, she didn't say anything. So I asked what it was, and she said casually, 136/74. I almost fell off my chair! Then a week later, I had an appt with my PCP and again I had my bp taken and it was 130/62. I was thrilled! I am now attempting to reduce my bp medicine dosage, if not wean myself off of it altogether. This water stick is truly a magic wand!"
Blood Sugar
" Drinking water with my H2 stick is becoming a healthy fascination for me. I was diagnosed 2 years ago with Diabetes and it has been an effort to take my sugar levels on a daily basis. I really dreaded the results. But my “numbers” have improved so much, since drinking my H2 water; I actually look forward to the “finger stick” to see the numbers now. My blood sugar levels have dropped an average of 17% and my “highs” are now what my “lows” use to be. But that is not the whole story. I am much more energetic, feel better, happier and more relaxed. I also love the improvement in my complexion. Wrinkles are disappearing and I really feel younger. Each evening I pour my H2 water into an elegant crystal goblet and celebrate the waters of life."
Janet Doucette Cape Cod